Am nächsten Morgen volltrunken des Glücks das mir mit Gloria wiederfahren war und leichtrunken aufgrund der Reste der Mengen des Weins der letzten Nacht erschienen wir zusammen im Offizin des Gasparini.
Er kündigte hohen Besuch an, eine Lady aus Cromwells Gefolge wollte ihm die Ehre erweisen und ihn besuchen.
Es erschienen zunächst ihre Lakaien mit weiss gepuderten Perücken und prachtvollen Gewändern gefolgt von der Lady und ihren Zofen. Gasparini und die Lady parlierten eine Weile wohl in Englischer Sprache derer ich nicht mächtig war.
Später durfte ich für ihn die Übersetzung eines Rezeptes in seinen Folianten niederschreiben.
What we serve for pud on a St.Georges Day:
A Fregesey of Egges.
Beat a dozen of Egs with Creame,
Sugar, Nutmeg, Mace, Rosewater,
and a Pomewater cut ouerthwart
in slices: put them into the
Frying-pan with sweet Butter,
and the Apples first: when they be almost
enough take them up,
and cleanse your Pan:
put in sweet Butter, and make it hot:
put in halfe the Egges and
Creame at one time: stirre it with a
Sawcer, or such a thing. Take it out,
and put it in a Dish,
put in the rest of the Egges and Creame,
like the former,
and then put in your Apples round
about the batter. Then cast on the other
side on the top of it, and keepe it from
burning with sweet Butter.
When it is fryed on both sides enough
wring on the juyce of an Orenge,
and serve it in.
You my decorate this with Orenge Chips.
Take some fresh Orenges
and pare them very thin.
Boil them in several Water
till they are tender,
and have lost theire Bitterness ;
then put them into cold Water
for twelve Hours.
Then make a Syrup for them
in the following manner:
Take about their weight of fine Suger
powder'd, and mix it
with as much Water as it will take in,
or a little more.Boil this,
And scum it well;
then drain the Orenge-Peels from the Water
they were steep' d in,
and put them in a glaz'd earthen Vessel,
and then pour the boiling hot Syrup upon them,
letting them remain so till the Day following;
then pour the Syrup from them,
and boil it afresh,
and pour it on a second time,
and repeat the same work
till your Peels are very clear,
and the Syrup very thick;
and then dry them in a Stove,
and they will be fit for use.
Finally take som fresh sleeves of Peppermint,
you'll find it in your garden.
John Murrell: A new booke of Cookerie; London Cookerie. London 1615
Tagged with: What's For Pud? and St George's Day
4 Kommentare:
Mit 12 Eiern nicht gerade als vegan einzustufen oder ;-)?
sehr gut!
bolavita Niice
panduan bermain permainan ayamsabung s128
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